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My Love Letter: Bachelor's to Master's Degree Shift

Shelby Daly

Hey Strategic Alliance (NATA, BOC, CAATE, NATA Foundation),

Why am I with a master's in AT making as much as an athletic trainer with a bachelors? It seems financially irresponsible looking retrospectively...

One reason is that employer's do not see the difference in degrees and needing to compensate for an increased level of education, they are only looking if an applicant has the ATC credential/BOC certification.

This transition from BS to MS will take about 20-30 years for BS degrees to age out of the profession. Did this requirement really help ATs? Why would an organization set new requirements without providing data to adequately compensation for the standards that will in result cost more money to achieve? More ATs will go into the financial hole of debt without a balance in compensation standards in their career post-graduation.

The profession was not in a position to make this change when ATs are still educating the general public and athletic population on what an athletic trainer actually does.

Let's make a difference together in the world of athletic training!

This blog post is aimed to shed light on the financial considerations faced by athletic trainers with an MS in AT and the factors contributing to the compensation gap within the industry. Through a call for recognition, awareness, and advocacy, we can work towards a future where all athletic trainers are compensated for their expertise and dedication.

References from NATA 2023 Salary Survey

Shelby 5/2024

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