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Disgruntled Athletic Trainers Running with Scissors Towards the NATA

Shelby Daly

There seems to be a lot of scissors (pitch forks) being pointed at the National Athletic Trainers'​ Association and Board of Certification by unhappy athletic trainers. This may be rooted in a lack of understanding of how the NATA and BOC actually works. I know in my athletic training program there was no robust "government" course like we were required to take on US Government in high school.

I am by no means saying that we should shove this into the already established over stuffed curriculums, but I would suggest the Strategic Alliance (CAATE - Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, NATA, BOC, NATA Foundation) should create together a free CEU course for all certified athletic trainers that portrays the history of athletic training and how the governing body/association is supposed to function and benefit the working AT. "Working together to advance the profession," right?!

I have tried to research what qualifications the board of directors' members and the president need to be eligible for these roles, guess what, it is not clearly posted to the public, it is behind a membership paywall! So how are ATs supposed to understand the essential functions of our national organization when it isn't published to the public? How am I supposed to educate the general public about how athletic trainers function when I am not sure how we are even governed.

This is not the solution to fix all in the current schism, but it would help with some of the disconnect that is happening between the members and the organization.

And I emphasize again, a FREE course to create knowledge on the profession and organized body.

"There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time." -Desmond Tutu

Shelby 5/2024

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